The virtualization allows the service to be moved from one instance to the other transparently.The name of your ATP-D service, is made of the service name you’ve picked (e.g., tpurgent), prefixed by your database name, “java” in my case, and postfixed by “tls”. Your responsibility is to edit that file and change some default values (e.g., RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_DELAY, CONNECT_TIMEOUT) to meet your specific requirements.įor example: java_tpurgent_tls supports TCPs, while java_tpurgent, although a valid ATP-D instance name, supports only TCP, which is not recommended.VCN), and perform your CI/CD work from it over your Java code, the clients credentials and the network configuration files and execute from that compute instance.įor security reasons, you cannot directly connect to ATP-D from your Java apps running on-premises (for example, from your laptop) you need to provision a compute instance within the same Virtual Cloud Network (a.k.a.Set your ATP-D service name either directly in the JDBC connect string or export it and retrieve it from an environment variable (my preference). Get the latest JDBC and companion jars (DB 19c) from Maven Central, or the Oracle Maven repository or the JDBC download page: ojdbc8.jar or ojdbc10.jar (depending on your JDK), ucp.jar, oraclepki.jar, osdt_core.jar, osdt_cert.jar, ons.jar, simplefan.jar xdb.jar + xmlparserv2.jar if you plan to use XML data type and orai18n.jar if you need to deal with National Languages.Ssh -i ~/ocikey Get the latest JDK8 (JDK8u163+), JDK9, JDK10 or JDK11 You need a pair of (private, public) keys for accessing the compute see the doc for more details.